Greetings to the participants of the Olympiad! // Flight BSUIR Open XIII is now boarding. // XIII Open BSUIR Programming Championship // Do you want some snacks? // 

Greetings to the participants of the Olympiad! // Flight BSUIR Open XIII is now boarding. // XIII Open BSUIR Programming Championship // Do you want some snacks? // 



tower plane road


XIII Open BSUIR Programming Championship


- school teams


- student teams




Purpose of the Qualification Contest:

  • to enable teams to independently assess the level of preparation for participation in Championship;

  • select the teams that will be able to compete in the second qualifying round (Semi-Finals) for reaching the final Championship.

The Quarter-Finals is a mandatory qualifying stage for BSUIR teams and school students. Other teams can also participate in this contest if they wish.

Teams that have solved at least half of the given problems pass to the second Qualification Contest (Semi-Finals).


Second Contest (Semi-Finals) is held in 2 forms: On-Campus and Online. Participating teams are given from 4 to 12 problems to solve (problem statements are written in English and Russian) in 4-5 hours. Judges are entitled to extend contest in case of any unforeseen circumstances.

BSUIR teams participate in the contest on-campus. Other teams participate in the contest at their educational institutions. Team coaches are responsible for observing obedience to the rules in this case. Participants from other educational institutions who wish to participate in the Semi-Finals on the basis of BSUIR should inform the organizers in advance.


Only 30 best teams join next contest (Finals) but no more than:

  • 7 teams of students, graduate students and postgraduate students of the BSUIR;

  • 2 teams from each university or college of the Republic of Belarus and foreign countries.

Separate Finals are held for teams from secondary general educational institutions. Not less than 15, not more than 25 teams and not more than one team from each educational institution are invited. Decision on the participation in school Finals for teams in which participants represent different educational institutions is adopted by the organizing committee individually. By the decision of organizers and judges the number of teams that pass in the next stage, their composition, as well as the quota can be changed. The Finals of the Championship are conducted on-campus. Participating teams are given from 4 to 12 algorithmic problems to solve (problem statements are written in English) in 5 hours.


Date Stage Status

March 5th

March 20th

Registration Registration is open

March 17th

March 24th

Quater-Finals The stage has not started
April 9th Semifinal The stage has not started
April 26th

Students Final

(Minsk, vulica Hikaly 9)

The stage has not started
May 3rd

Juniors Final

( Minsk, vulica Hikaly 9 )

The stage has not started


March 5th - March 20th


March 17th - March 24th


April 9th

Students Final

April 26th

Juniors Final

May 3rd
